CPOOL Bridge

CPOOL was originally issued on the Ethereum chain. Following Clearpool's launch on Polygon, CPOOL has also been bridged to the Polygon chain. Any holder of CPOOL tokens can move (bridge) them between these chains using the CPOOL bridge available on the Clearpool app.


Before you begin, please note:

  1. for the transaction to work, you will need to hold both Matic and CPOOL in the correct amounts in your wallet. (i.e., Matic in the amount of the native fee, and CPOOL that you’d like to bridge to ethereum)

  2. to avoid failed transactions, you can set a higher Matic nativeFee for your TX, the unused amount will be refunded to the refund address that you had entered above.

If you decide to use the bridge programmaticaly or via Etherscan, please refer to the official documentation regarding supported chainIds.

Using Clearpool UI

Please use the official Clearpool CPOOL Bridge UI to move tokens between chains.

Using Etherscan UI


  1. Go to the polygon CPOOL OFT Contract address on PolygonScan: 0xb08b3603c5f2629ef83510e6049edeefdc3a2d91

  2. Go to the “Contract” tab, and click on “Read Contract”

  3. Scroll down to find “11. estimateSendFee” and fill out the fields with the following information

  4. Copy the nativeFee that is calculated

  5. Go to the “Contract” tab, and click on “Write Contract” and Connect your wallet to PolygonScan via “Connect to Web3”

  6. Scroll down to find “11. sendFrom” and fill out the fields as such, and press "write"

  7. Execute TX on your wallet and wait till the CPOOL bridges to your Ethereum address

Last updated