V1 (Deprecated Pools)

A quick how-to for removing liquidity, and claiming CPOOL rewards from V1 pools.

Contract Address

Pool Factory






How to withdraw liquidity

  1. Click the link above to the pool which you have provided liquidity to

  2. Click on the Read Contract tab

  3. Click on 5. balanceOf and type in your LP wallet address to check your withdrawable balance. (Query result is in 6 decimal points)

  4. Click on the Write Contract tab, then click Connect to Web3, and connect using your LP wallet

  5. After wallet is connected, scroll down and click on 11. redeem

  6. Paste the result from step 3, and process the transaction on your wallet

How to claim CPOOL rewards

  1. Click the link above to the pool which you have provided liquidity to

  2. Click on the Read Contract tab

  3. Click on 39. withdrawableRewardOf and type in your LP wallet address to check your withdrawable balance of CPOOL. (Query result is in 18 decimal points)

  4. Click on the Pool Factory link listed above

  5. Click on the Write as Proxy tab, then click Connect to Web3,and connect using your LP wallet

  6. After wallet is connected, scroll down and click on 24. withdrawReward

  7. Input all pool addresses that you have withdrawable rewards from in a square bracket, separated by commas, and process the transaction via your wallet. ie. [0xd67fB99d372D25b88720410Dc1B5AF7e33Be5c66,0x5BE10e6F6553621fd0C110EF2685699AAE7Ff4ad,0x60331b807BA55b321d79A8297Bb2745791b4e339]

Last updated