Pool Notifications

A simple guide on how to set up notifications for pool utilization levels

Subscribe to Email Notifications

  1. Go to the notifications page: https://clearpool.finance/notifications

  2. Connect your email address and enter the 6-digit code sent to your email address

  3. Connect your Telegram account to get notifications on your Telegram account. If you want to receive only email notifications, you can skip to step 6

  4. You will be redirected to your Telegram account, starting a session with the Clearpool Telegram bot. Click ‘Start’ to continue connecting your Telegram account

  5. You will get a reply that you successfully subscribed, then you’ll return to the Clearpool notification page

  6. Click ‘New Alert’ to create a new alert

  7. Select the pool, notification type, and the pool’s utilisation value that you want to track

  8. Click ‘Set up alert’ and you’re all set up

Subscribe to Discord Notifications

1. Go to the notifications page: https://clearpool.finance/notifications

2. Connect your email address and enter the 6-digit code sent to your email address

3. Connect your Telegram account to get notifications on your Telegram account. If you don't want to, you can skip to step 6

4. You will be redirected to your Telegram account, starting a session with the Clearpool Telegram bot. Click ‘Start’ to continue connecting your Telegram account

5. You will get a reply that you successfully subscribed, then you’ll return to the Clearpool notification page

6. Connect your Discord account to get notifications on your Discord account. If you don't want to, you can skip to step 8

7. You will be redirected to your Discord account to authorise the bot. In order to receive notifications from Clearpool on Discord, please enable ‘Allow direct messages from server members’ setting under User Settings / Privacy & Safety. Once authorised, you will get a reply that you successfully subscribed, then return to the Clearpool notification page.

8. Click ‘New Alert’ to create a new alert

9. Select the pool, notification type, and the pool’s utilisation value that you want to track

10. Click ‘Set up alert’ and you’re all set up

View current notifications settings

  1. Go to the notifications page: ​https://clearpool.finance/notifications

  2. Connect your email address and enter the 6-digit code sent to your email address

  3. Once connected, you can view and edit your notification settings

When will you send me notifications?

We will send you notifications according to your settings and notification types.

  1. Daily Digest: stay up-to-date with daily updates on your pool's size, utilization rate, borrow APR, and lend APR – all in a single concise message

  2. Utilisation: when a pool's utilisation rate surpasses the specified checkpoint and maintains it for 30 minutes

  3. Borrow APR: when a pool’s borrow APR surpasses the specified checkpoint and maintains it for 30 minutes

  4. Lend APR: when a pool’s lend APR surpasses the specified checkpoint and maintains it for 30 minutes

Last updated